
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

South Carolina Decals

When I was at the beach a couple of weeks back I decided to stop in one of the grocery stores for some bottled spring water. While we was in there I decided to look around. I ended up running into the section for local items. In the section they had all sorts of SC products including decals. I saw two I wanted but it wasn't priced, and we was in a hurry so I decided i'd come back later and pick it up. Well we never made it back to grocery store during our trip. When I got home I decided to take a look online for the decals and could only find one of them. After awhile of searching I got the bright idea to call the store and see if they would ship me the decals. 

When I called the store I was very surprised that they were not only friendly and helpful but they said they could ship me the decals. So I ended up ordering them and it didn't cost me much at all only around $12.00 for two decals, and that's with shipping factored in and it was extremely cheap. Between call time and ship time I think there was a total of four days (not counting Sunday).

I'm only going to show one of the decals I bought. the second one is pretty rare, in fact the only time I had seen it was in that grocery store. The one i'm going to show is very common, you've probably seen it before many times.The moon had come off my old one, so I needed a new one.

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