
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Old Navy $1.00 Flip Flop Sale!

If you are a Old Navy shopper i'm sure most of you already know today was the one day out of the year that Old Navy did the $1.00 flip flops. The sale to me is a really good deal being that they are normally 2 for $5.00. So you get 5 pair for $5.00 and some change. This year is the first year that I've REALLY shopped the sale. I did it once or twice before picking up 5 or 10 pair here and there. However this year I went to shop, and boy did I shop!

I received a e-mail a couple of days ago about it, which is what tipped me off to the sale. I ended up talking some family members into going with me for the sale. Our mall does not open until 10:00a.m. so I got there 15 minutes until 10. When the doors opened there was people already in line buying, which I thought was odd. Well come to find out after I got in the store there was a sign saying it opened at 7:00a.m. (wish the e-mail would have said that!)

Any way on with my story so I practically ran to the flip flop isle because I was ready to shop, I was super excited and I just started grabbing all the bright colors in my size I could find. One of the people with me got me a bag to put mine in so I wouldn't have to hold them. Ya'll know how big those shopping bags are right? Well I ended up stuffing one completely full so full that nothing else could go in it.

The place was like a mad house. The line when I was finally ready to start the check out process (and it is a process, let me tell ya!) was backed all the way around the perimeter of the store and almost out the door. Our Old Navy is huge so that is saying something. Well each customer had tons of flops and there was a limit of 5 per person. So everyone had to pay for five and get back in line multiple times. I was one of those people obviously. I ended up being in the store 3 hours. I had two other people other then myself helping me check out, to make the process go a bit faster.

I had a blast and I ended up with a ton of flip flops (the total will be over one of the photos). I had a great time talking to the people I came with as well as other in line around me. We also had a few laughs, and no one lost a limb in the process but one person who I went with got ran other by a baby stroller.She  ended up with a track mark on the foot and a broken toenail but other then that, it was all good! I did have 5 more pair to buy that I was going to add on to my grand total. however after going though the line 3 times, I ended up getting tired and saying the 5 more pair wasn't worth it. I had 2 brown, 1 black, 1 black and white and a coral that I ended up not buying.

When I got there there was a entire big wall full of them and tons of boxes sitting all over the store with various sizes and colors in each box. When I left the entire wall of flip flops was almost empty and they was carrying out empty boxes and bringing out what they had left in some of the kids sizes. If you want to shop this sale next year, I suggest going as early as possible for the best selection! The brights go fast!

Ready to see the goods!?

This is what 40 pairs of flip flops look like!

Now time to neaten up a bit!

Last but not least it seemed like a fitting charm for my bag! since I adore flip flops, what better charm for me? I had a metal initial picked out with a flip flop attached to it. I picked it up but after seeing five dollars on it didn't want to buy it. I sat it down and then ended up wanting it. when I went back to get it, the very one I wanted was gone(and it was the only one of the 8 or so they had that was gone, go figure!)! However I found this and liked it so I bought it for a new bag charm.

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